mercredi 12 février 2014

The Many Benefits Of Psych-K

By Marcie Goodman

Psych-K is a non-invasive and and safe set of processes and principles that can change subconscious beliefs. This method of dealing with subconscious beliefs has been in existence for over twenty years with a good record of success. Changes are accomplished painlessly and quickly, aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious goals and thus creating change that lasts.

Modern industrialized culture has resulted in us losing our sense of interconnectedness. This has precipitated feelings of alienation and lack of purpose, affecting not only our self image and confidence but our relationships with others and our environment as well. The combination of modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom used in these self help techniques is designed to deal with these problems, freeing us to live life as it should be lived.

The wisdom of ancient cultures acknowledge interconnectedness and man was seen as just a part of the whole. In nature principles like diversity, resilience, harmony and collaboration were observed and it was seen that they were necessary for communities to survive and thrive. These principles need to be applied today in our daily lives, fostering a mindset of co-operation rather than competition.

The principles operating in nature like diversity, resilience and collaboration need to be re-introduced into our lives. The more individuals begin to live with a new mindset of collaboration, the greater the benefit to mankind. Transformation occurs individual by individual until it takes place on a global scale.

As beliefs, emotions and behavior originate in the subconscious mind, one needs to be able to access it to change these sabotaging beliefs into new positive ones. Other self help tools tend to focus on the conscious mind, leading to limited results. As we are only conscious of about five percent of our cognitive activity, affirmations, positive thinking and willpower are not really effective.

These processes reflect the latest understandings in the field of the mind. Studies have proved that cross-talk between the hemispheres improves recall and problem solving, enhances creativity and generally makes the brain more efficient as the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres of the brain are used. This whole brain state is ideal for changing beliefs and this is the state utilized to access the subconscious.

Accessing the whole brain state enables the individual to see challenges in a whole new light. Stress levels are dramatically lowered and thinking is elevated to new levels of consciousness. It is not difficult to access this state. Attending an introductory lecture or a basic workshop can help with understanding how it is accessed. Basic workshops are led by certified instructors who guide you through the whole process of dealing with self-sabotaging beliefs. The process is a dynamic and interactive one.

Psych-K may provide answers for those who are continually battling with the same problems and never making progress. Self-esteem, physical health, relationships and finances are all affected by what is going on in the subconscious mind. Once any limiting beliefs are deal with all of these areas go through a transformation.

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